Friday, November 6, 2009

November is here (novembre est ici)

Il y a une version francais en-bas.

Someone told me this story last week.
This experience is kind of like a family that is moving. They are excited and are looking forward to the new challenges that they will face together. They are all packed and ready to go. As they drive off somehow the dog gets left behind or falls off and the family doesn’t notice. So, here is the dog all alone, nothing familier, feeling uncomfortable. This is us (study abroad students) there always seems to be something missing, something just not right.


The weather here has not been good but with great reason. It has been raining everyday but I’m ok with it because God is dressing the mountains in snow for us!! I’m looking forward to ski season. Good news: My French is improving. People have told me that they hear less and less of my American accent and that I am speaking better. I have yet to find a French man or woman who volunteer false information so I can trust their comments.
This weekend, I prepare for another dance concert so that’s exciting. The last, if you remember I wrote about it, went well. I just found out that we will be doing the same routines on several different days. Look for pictures. The sports here are amazing. I have watched soccer and I am thoroughly impressed with the talent over here. Also, rugby, is awesome! I myself would never play it but I find it great to watch. Next week, I start filming a short video with other students in my film class. We are going to enter into a competition in which we can win an iPod. We have 1 minute to show the difficultes faced by study abroad students, this should be fun. If anybody wants to skype me let me know! Ciao and have a great week!!!!

Une amie m’a raconte une histoire sur la vie pour d’etudiants etrangers.
Il ne fait pas beau. Il pleut tous les jours parce que Dieu port la montage avec la niege. :) Bonnes nouvelles: Peut-etre, je peux parler francais! :) Plusieurs personnes m’a dit <<>> :) Je suis tres tres content parce que j’ai besoin d’encouragement. Ce week-end, j’ai une repetition pour un autre spectacle, cool! J’ai vu un match du football et du rugby. J’aime bien les deux et je pense que je prefere du rugby plus que du football americain. Cela c'est beaucoup plus d'interessant. La semaine prochaine, j’iras commencer un projet video avec d’autres etudiants dans mon cours histoire du cinema francais. Nous nous inscrions une competition. Rien du plus.


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